Straightforward Data Access with Jakarta Data and the Oracle Database

A previous blog post explained how to connect to an Oracle Database instance from a Spring Data JDBC application. This blog post will further explore this topic by combining Jakarta Data with JDBC.
As you may know, Jakarta Data is a specification under the Jakarta EE umbrella that aims to simplify the development of data-driven applications. One of the main benefits of using Jakarta Data is that it offers a high-level abstraction to support working with relational databases, simplifying data access, and reducing boilerplate code through a standardized, consistent Java API.
Besides, it follows the same design patterns used in other ORM / data access frameworks, such as supporting the Repository pattern, which allows developers to leverage code implemented automatically by the underlying framework. Last but not least, it’s interesting to mention that it’s also fully extensible and provides easy interplay with other specifications belonging to the Jakarta EE ecosystems.
This blog post will explore a scenario using Jakarta Data and the Oracle Database. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
- JDK — Java Development Kit 17 or newer
- Oracle Database Free Release 23ai — Container Image
- Oracle JDBC Driver 23ai ( — Maven Central
- Your preferred Java IDE — Eclipse, IntelliJ, VS Code
- Apache Maven
Run an Oracle Database 23ai Free instance on Docker
Assuming that you already know how to run an Oracle Database 23ai Free instance on Docker as explained in a previous blog post, run the command below from the Windows Command Prompt (cmd):
docker run -d -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_PASSWORD=<your password> -v oracle-volume:/opt/oracle/oradata gvenzl/oracle-free
Replace <your password> above with your chosen password as required.
Note that you also have to prepare a directory called oradata to persist data with the oracle-volume as shown above.
If everything goes well, you can run the command docker ps -al to confirm that your Docker container is up and running with the Oracle Database 23ai Free instance as expected.

Connect to Oracle Database 23ai Free
The next step is to connect to Oracle Database 23ai to run the required DDL script. Please follow the instructions in this blog post, which covers how to do so with the IntelliJ IDEA tool.
Alternatively, you can also use Oracle SQL Developer, a free tool that simplifies the development and management of Oracle Databases in traditional and cloud deployments, or any other tool you might prefer.
Connect to your DB 23ai Free instance and run the DDL script
Now, you must connect to the DB 23ai Free database instance and execute the DDL script —jakarta-data-oracle.sql — to create the tables for our sample Jakarta Data application.
Open the Oracle SQL Developer tool as explained previously, copy the DDL script from the Gist below — and execute it as required by clicking the Run Statement button.
OpenLiberty’s server.xml file
Now, you must adjust the connection details to the DB 23ai Free database instance. The target file is server.xml under /src/main/liberty/config, and it has the Oracle Database connection details. Adjust the values accordingly, according to your environment.

You must adjust your Oracle Datasource configuration with your own database/JDB connection details as expected. If you prefer, you can set those as environment variables under Windows or Linux, for example.
Note that the password is highlighted. Make sure the password for the Oracle DB follows Oracle’s requirements for DB passwords.
The Jakarta Data with Oracle Database app
It’s beyond the scope of this blog post to teach you about Jakarta Data 1.0, which is part of Jakarta EE 11. If you want to explore Jakarta Data, I advise you to follow my friend and fellow Brazilian Otavio Santana, who’s leading the Jakarta Data efforts.
This blog post's goal is to show you how to easily connect your Jakarta Data project to an Oracle Database 23ai Free instance.
This provides an overview of the code sample’s main components so you can understand what to expect it to do.
Below, we have listed the project components, which are also highlighted in the screenshot that follows.

The main application components and architecture are quite simple. First, it has a usual entry point (main) class, which extends The application, as expected, is Note that it also sets the application’s path to /ww.
public class MartialArtApplication extends Application {
Next, a couple of classes to declare both a REST endpoint (Resource with
import java.util.List;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
public class MartialArtResource {
private MartialArtRepository martialArtRepository;
public Response addMartialArt(MartialArt martialArt) {
return Response.ok(
"Added martial art: " +
public Response deleteById(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
return Response.ok("Deleted martial art with ID: " + id).build();
public String findOne(@PathParam("name") String name) {
return martialArtRepository.findByNameIgnoreCase(name)
.map(MartialArt::getCountry).orElse(name + " not found");
public List<MartialArt> findAll() {
return martialArtRepository.findAll().toList();
And a Java Persistence (Repository with component, so again no tricks here. Note how simple and straightforward it is to use the Repository pattern with Jakarta Data by simply creating an interface that extends the OOTB interface.
import java.util.Optional;
public interface MartialArtRepository extends CrudRepository<MartialArt, Long> {
Optional<MartialArt> findByNameIgnoreCase(String name);
void deleteById(Long id);
Last, we have our target entity class, which is tagged with the Entity annotation (Jakarta.persistence.Entity) as usual. The entity class is
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import jakarta.persistence.GenerationType;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
public class MartialArt {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String country;
public MartialArt() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getCountry() {
return country;
public void setCountry(String country) { = country;
Java Persistence Unit configuration with persistence.xml
One last important file to mention is persistence.xml under /src/main/resources/META-INF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<persistence xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="OraclePu"
It has the Java Persistence Unit declaration, with its defined name as OraclePu, and the associated JTA Data Source child element (OracleDataSource), which points to the declared data source configured with server.xml (OracleDataSource), as explained above.
Run the Jakarta EE / Data application locally
Change to the root directory of your project, and run the Maven command below as usual. Run the commands below.
cd C:\java-projects\jakarta-data-oracle-db
mvn clean package
cd C:\java-projects\jakarta-data-oracle-db
mvn liberty:run
You will see some messages logged by Jakarta EE confirming that your server is up and running and awaiting to server HTTP requests. Take note of your specific HTTP port and adjust the URLs accordingly if needed.

Test the Jakarta Data app from a browser
Provided that your application has started successfully, you can now test it. First, let’s add some records to the database table. Run the HTTP POST requests below with curl.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9082/jakarta-data-oracle-db/ww/martialarts -d '{"country":"China", "name":"KungFu"}'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9082/jakarta-data-oracle-db/ww/martialarts -d '{"country":"Brazil", "name":"BJJ"}'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9082/jakarta-data-oracle-db/ww/martialarts -d '{"country":"Brazil", "name":"Capoeira"}'
If everything is working properly, the records will be inserted with no errors as expected, and you will see the respective IDs of each entity returned as part of the related HTTP responses.

So, you can now perform the HTTP GET request below to retrieve your persisted data. For your convenience, you can also run the HTTP requests from a web browser such as http://localhost:9082/jakarta-data-oracle-db/ww/martialarts/, and you will see the database records returned as JSON, as below.

Of course, you can also get the record of a specific entity only, examples are listed below:
Last but not least, you can also delete a given entity. Here's another example with curl to finalize it all.
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9082/jakarta-data-oracle-db/ww/martialarts/3
Wrapping it up
That’s it! You learned how to use Java Persistence with Jakarta EE 1 and Jakarta Data 1.0, along with the specific Oracle Datasource configurations, the Oracle JDBC Driver, and the Java project t implementation with all its main basic components.
Persistence was at the core of this example implementation, as we focused on Jakarta Data. It provided an easy implementation of the Repository pattern as supported by Jakarta Data connected to an Oracle Database 23ai instance.
I will soon post more examples of scenarios involving LangChain4J, the OracleEmbeddingStore, GraalVM, Micronaut, Quarkus, and other GenAI / Agentic AI-related topics!
We hope you liked this blog post. Stay tuned!
Oracle Database Free Release 23ai — Container Image
Oracle® Database JDBC Java API Reference, Release 23ai
Oracle JDBC Driver 23ai ( — Maven Central
Developers Guide For Oracle JDBC on Maven Central
Oracle UCP (Universal Connection Pool) — Developer’s Guide
Develop Java applications with Oracle Database
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