Helidon + Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) + React.js = Cloud Native Java Application

Juarez Junior
19 min readNov 8, 2023

by Juarez Junior


Explore how to use Helidon to build microservices and serve data to the React.js front-end to create a cloud-native app that manages a list of ToDo Items. You can add new items, mark them as done (or undo them), delete them, and persist the data in the Oracle Autonomous Database.

Helidon.io + Oracle Autonomous Database =modern microservices apps


In this workshop, you will learn how to build and deploy a simple Cloud Native application using the most commonly used frameworks and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) services — part of Oracle Cloud.

Cloud Native app

Learn how to use the Oracle Autonomous Database, the Oracle Container Registry (OCR), the Kubernetes Cluster (OKE), Helidon, and the Oracle API Gateway managed services of OCI through the deployment of a simple MyToDo List React.js application.

Below is a high-level architectural view of our Cloud Native application.

